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Welcome to the online application form for the A-WEAR European Joint Doctorate - A network for dynamic wearable applications with privacy constraints. The registration process is open for ESR07.

Details about the position below can be found at Please read carefully the specificity of the position(s) you plan to apply for, as each position requires its own short (2 page) essay/’dissertation proposal’.

Before an application, please check the eligibility criteria and the required documents. Especially respect the 12-month rule for NOT having resided in the country of the host organization. For example, ESR 07 is based in Spain and thus only available to students who have not lived in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the start-of-employment date (September 2021).

User authentification

You must be registered to access the application form. If you aren't registered please do it here

ESR16 Urban Mobility Observatory: balancing usefulness and privacy

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